In case of loss/theft of your card, call immediately at +30 2810 338800, available on a 24/7 basis, from Greece and abroad so that we proceed with its immediate cancellation and replacement.
Coverage against theft or loss of cards and personal items with €25 per year
Coverage against purchases made with a lost or stolen card
With Synwallet program you have the potential of compensation in case of theft or loss of your cards as well as your personal belongings, for only €25 per year.
You enjoy :
Protection of purchases made with cards
Mobile phone or tablet cost coverage
Coverage of money withdrawals & charges from transactions made at ATMs
Coverage of the cost of replacing the stolen wallet, personal documents, keys and bag.
In case of loss/theft of your card, call immediately at +30 2810 338800, available on a 24/7 basis, from Greece and abroad so that we proceed with its immediate cancellation and replacement.
Contact our Call Center at (+30) 210 3008959